Regarding business days during Golden Week | GYPPHY


Regarding business days during Golden Week

Thank you very much for your continued patronage of GYPPHY. Details of business days during Golden Week are below.

■Jiyugaoka store
4/29 (Friday) Closed
4/30 (Sat) Regular business hours (11:00~19:00)
5/1 (Sunday) Closed
5/2 (Monday) Closed
5/3 (Tue) Open (13:00~18:00)
5/4 (Wed) Open (13:00~18:00)
Open on Thursday, May 5th (13:00~18:00)

We will be open as usual from 5/6 onwards.

We ship every business day.

■About responding to inquiries
We respond to inquiries every day. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. If you would like a quick reply, please contact us via official LINE.

Thank you very much for your support.


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